Orion industrial Estate

Orion industrial Estate

Orion Industrial Park, DevelopmentWA’s latest industrial development, is set to transform 95ha of former limestone quarries into a bustling high-quality industrial area servicing a range of industries.

The development will activate the north-western entry into Latitude 32 and combined with the Flinders Precinct, will ensure an ongoing supply of industrial opportunities in Perth’s premier industrial corridor.

Ecosystem: Orion manages all stormwater on-site, preventing any discharge into other catchments or wetlands. Estate Design Guidelines ensures the prevention of pollutants from leaching into the water table and conservation areas. Native plant species are integrated into streetscapes to reduce the urban heat island effect and maintain biodiversity corridors. Seedlings propagated from seeds collected from the local area have been used in the landscaping,

Waste: Orion reused vegetation cleared from the land as mulch on-site and repurposed clearing material from the quarry area. A comprehensive recycling system was placed for civil works materials, including metal, PVC, concrete, and concrete with steel. Furthermore, concrete is recycled into base course pavement products. New proponents are required to incorporate waste management into their designs.

Energy: Energy efficiency is achieved by mandating efficient building orientation, external shading devices, skylights and Solar PV arrays through the Estate Design Guidelines. The measures outlined in the Estate Design Guidelines lead to a 20% total greenhouse gas emissions reduction over BAU.

Materials: Roads within the estate incorporated site-won limestone subbase, recycled road base, and blending of recycled concrete and asphalt. Shell waste and topsoil material are blended and reused, and specified piping is procured from environmentally responsible sources.

Water: Orion includes waterwise landscaping, the use of bio-retention basins, and the installation of rainwater tanks for toilet flushing and irrigation systems for private lots. Water-efficient fixtures and appliances are mandated.

Community: Orion Industrial Park will generate job opportunities and support local businesses. The drainage basin has been redesigned to incorporate public amenities for local users.

Project details

Developer: DevelopmentWA

Development type: Industrial

State: Western Australia

Certification period: 2023 –


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OneOneFive Hamilton Hill

OneOneFive Hamilton Hill

OneOneFive Hamilton Hill is an innovative residential estate developed on the former Hamilton Senior High School site in the City of Cockburn, Perth.

The 12 hectare DevelopmentWA infill project will include around 244 lots, two hectares of quality public open space, including nature play areas, a kick-about space, barbecues, cycle paths and remnant bushland. It aims to be a vibrant residential community that celebrates and reflects the site’s history as a school, and its indigenous heritage. It includes a diverse range of modern and affordable housing options including single residential homesites, terrace homes and micro lots, along with grouped housing sites.

As one of DevelopmentWA’s Innovation through Demonstration projects, OneOneFive Hamilton Hill is targeting the highest levels of sustainability. It has been awarded the maximum six leaves EnviroDevelopment accreditation by UDIA. It is recognised as a Water Corporation Platinum Waterwise Development for its balanced approach to water management and it won the WA Australian Water Association Water Sensitive Urban Design award in 2022. OneOneFive Hamilton Hill was a winner at the 2021 Waste Sorted Awards for exceeding the ambitious targets set for resource recovery, recycling and reuse.

DevelopmentWA has taken every opportunity to ensure that the project is showing leadership across all aspects of sustainability. Some features include:

  • A resource recovery strategy, resulting in more than 10,000 tonnes of material recovered, 96% of the project’s demolition waste. Of this, 86% of material was reused on site, leading to further savings in truck movements and carbon emissions.
  • Protection and enhancement of native ecosystems and quality public open space achieved via a considered approach to landscape, retention of landform and existing trees, and additional tree plantings to provide shaded walkable streets.
  • Climate-responsive planning that aims to mitigate urban heat through careful selection of materials, enhanced canopy coverage and water sensitive urban design initiatives that hydrate the landscape.
  • A balanced approach to water management, including diversification of supply, reduction in demand and at source stormwater infiltration.
  • A gas free development and net zero energy target for homes supported by Design Guidelines.

The sustainability initiatives implemented at OneOneFive Hamilton Hill provide the basis for several applied research projects, including the OneOneFive Waterwise Exemplar, Smart Neighborhood Waterwise Performance Monitoring and Evaluation and Construction and Demolition Resource Recovery: Towards a Circular Economy. These projects seek to understand the impacts of implemented sustainability initiatives and how practices can become mainstream in Perth’s urban development industry.

Project details

Developer: DevelopmentWA

Development type: Residential Subdivision

State: Western Australia

Certification period: 2020 –


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Broome North

Broome North

Broome North is a coastal project located in Broome, Western Australia. The project is a stone’s throw away from the iconic Cable Beach and close enough to the amenity offered in the centre of town.

Broome North is a master planned development which consists of a range of uses including residential, retail, commercial, light industrial, educational and civic uses.

The first precinct at Broome North is now complete with features including:

  • Broome North Primary School
  • 454 residential lots
  • Climate response design and sustainability initiatives reducing energy bills by around 25% per year based on Horizon Power usage data
  • Eight parks including features such as playground, basketball court, skate park and picnic ares
  • Bike path connecting to Cable Beach and surrounds

To find out more about Broome North and Waranyjarri Estate, click here

Project details

Developer: DevelopmentWA

Development type: Residential Subdivision

State: Western Australia

Certification period: 2018 –



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DevelopmentWA’s Shoreline estate is the first precinct to be delivered as part of the Cockburn Coast Redevelopment Area transforming former industrial land into a community of 12,000 people in 6,000 dwellings.

The site will feature a range of living options including apartments, townhouses and single residences. On completion, Shoreline will feature a main street linked to a beach plaza, dining and entertainment areas, a primary school and 7.5 hectares of public open space including landscaped parks with boardwalks, a sports playing field and a public square.

Some of the elements that helped achieve the accreditation include:


  • Comprehensive remediation across the site.
  • Planting of local native vegetation.
  • Landscaping focused on street tree environment and vegetated public open space.


  • Proactive waste minimisation and requirement for developers to recycle or reuse a minimum of 60% of all built-form construction waste.


  • Solar passive design and natural ventilation encouraged by design.
  • Encouragement to install solar energy and hot water heating.
  • Energy efficient fixtures, appliances and lighting.
  • All apartments submetered and required to be built to a 7-star NatHERS rating.


  • Waterwise fixtures and appliances such as toilets, taps, washing machines and dishwashers to reduce water use by at least 20 per cent.
  • All apartments submetered to allow residents to monitor individual consumption.
  • Waterwise native gardens and landscaping in public open spaces with hydrozoning to maintain efficient irrigation.


  • Design focus on walking, cycling and access to public transport to reduce reliance on private vehicles.
  • Diversity of housing and commercial options with medium and high density residential, retail, restaurants, schools and tourism.
  • High quality streetscape, public and open spaces and direct walking access to beach.
  • Universally accessible spaces and options for living.

Project details

Developer: DevelopmentWA

Development type: Mixed Use

State: Western Australia

Certification period: 2017 –


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Alkimos Beach

Alkimos Beach

Alkimos Beach is the first WA project to achieve all six leaves of an EnviroDevelopment certification.

The Alkimos Beach development, a partnership between DevelopmentWA and Lendlease, is one of the biggest coastal developments in Perth’s northern growth corridor in more than 50 years.

In line with the development partners’ goals to create carbon neutral ‘all-electric’ communities, the development of Alkimos Beach is taking a long-term view to ensure the commercial, retail, employment and lifelong learning opportunities created today are relevant and sustainable in the future. Alkimos Beach is positioned as a leader in sustainable living through a range of initiatives that allow residents to minimise their energy and water consumption, thus strengthening the community’s resilience today and in the future.

The built form outcomes have a strong focus on achieving significant energy and water efficiencies for residential households, with financial savings for householders as a result. To achieve all-electric living, all homes at Alkimos Beach are required to install a solar PV system, and a solar electric or pump water heating system. Installation of induction cooktops are also incentivised.

Retention of existing key landscape features has been a major driver in the design of the beach development and involves creating landscape corridors connecting urban areas with the coast and areas of retained open space and dunes.

Implementing best practice for waste management and using environmentally responsible materials in construction ensures the built component of Alkimos Beach is a leading example of sustainable development.

There is also a very strong commitment by the development team to expand community knowledge of how to create and live a more healthy and sustainable life.

Project details

Developer: Leadlease & DevelopmentWA

Development type: Residential Subdivision

State: Western Australia

Certification period: 2013 –


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